Willis Towers Watson “a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company that helps clients around the world turn risk into a path for growth. With roots dating to 1828, Willis Towers Watson has 40,000 employees serving more than 140 countries..”announced “an expansion of the company’s global advisory services aimed at addressing risk related to cybersecurity.” The April 12, 2018 announcement entitled “Willis Towers Watson Expands Cybersecurity Services via Collaboration with IBM Security” included these comments from Anthony Dagostino, Global Head of Cyber Risk, Willis Towers Watson:
We believe that a successful cyber resiliency strategy must have a comprehensive approach that addresses people, capital and technology in equal measure…
Recent cyber-attacks are a constant reminder of why companies need a proactive strategy.
We are excited to partner with IBM to better address the technological risks our clients face across the globe.
Great to see this news.