The Financial Times reported that the “Japanese carmaker revealed that it temporarily halted production at its Sayama plant, northwest of Tokyo, after it discovered that some of its computers were affected by the ransomware late on Sunday.”  The June 21, 2017 Financial Times report entitled “Honda plant hit by WannaCry ransomware attack” included a confession from Honda that the:

…security measures were not sufficient for older versions of its computers such as the ones that were installed at the Sayama plant. The company is also continuing to examine whether any of its computers located overseas had been affected.

Also the report included these comments about Nissan:

Elsewhere in Japan, carmaker Nissan, which has an alliance with France’s Renault, last month suffered a similar attack on some of its units, including its plant in Sunderland in the UK.

With all the ransomware attacks going It’s clearly time replace older computers which are ransomware targets.

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