On August 1, 2008 I started this blog with a discussion about a proposed Net Neutrality law pending in Congress which did not pass, but in 2012 the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) established its Net Neutrality rules called “Preserving the Open Internet, Broadband Industry Practices.”

Last year Google announced it would offer its Fiber service in Kansas City, however the ToS (Terms of Service) included a provision that users should not host any type of server. In September 2012 Douglas McClendon filed a complaint with the FCC that he wanted to host a server for his business on the Google Fiber. His complaint led to a June 24, 2013 Notice from the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau to Google requesting a response from Google to Mr. McClendon’s allegations that Google was violating the FCC’s Open Internet Order and Rules.

On July 29, 2013 Google Fiber sent its response to the FCC that the Google Fiber’s service policy was consistent with those of AT&T, Charter Communications, Comcast Xfinity, Cox Communications, and Verizon Online.

Since my 2008 blog Google has changed sides in Net Neutrality now that it offers Google Fiber Net, and it will be interesting to see the FCC’s ruling about Google Fiber Net.


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