Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerman recently announced significant changes to Facebook expanding 100’s of websites with "open graph" and “like” which may revolutionize the Internet. At the annual f8 Facebook outside developers’ conference on April 21, 2010 Zuckerman demonstrated "open graph" and how the use of “like” on hundreds of websites (including Yelp, CNN, Pandora, ESPN, and IMDb) will allow the 400+ million friends to share their likes which in turn will be posted to their Facebook pages. According to Mashable.com Facebook “has created a platform that allows sites and apps to share information about users in order to tailor offers, features and services to each one’s interests and tastes — even if that individual has never visited the site before.” Zuckerman explained how most information on the Internet is lost in time once posted, referring to a tweets, text messages, and the like, but the new Facebook "open graph" and "like" will permit information to live forever on the Internet.
Microsoft Docs on Facebook
In conjunction with the f8 conference Microsoft announced a new beta for Docs on Facebook to facilitate access to Microsoft apps through Facebook that “allows users to create, edit and share Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents via the new Docs.com Website. Users can then share those documents with their Facebook friends, as well as give them editing privileges.” Microsoft’s collaboration with Microsoft is clearly competition for Google, Google apps, and the new Google Buzz.
Senator Doesn’t “Like” Facebook’s Instant Personalization Features
Under the new "open graph" and "like" Facebook automatically changed the privacy features, so within days of Facebook’s announcement Senator Charles Schumer of New York wrote a letter to the FTC “urging them to create privacy guidelines for Facebook and other social networking sites.” We need to watch closely to see what, if anything, the FTC may do. My blog on January 14, 2010 included a link to an interview with Zuckerman where he commented that the age of privacy is over. So perhaps he was referring to the new "open graph" and "like" features may be part of his plan to actually make that happen